Monday, February 14, 2011


Heyy guys…
So I gonna open this topic 4 today..
I mean tell me if u really dare to curse in front of ur parents…
If I did tat ..i just like don know wat would happen next..
Maybe I get a kick-off ..out of da house daughter!!!??
No seriously.i swear my parents hate those cursing-words..
Me being a typical teenagers..when sumthin not pleasant had happen
You tend to be like this:-

And the famaous last words go to…tatatdengdeng…dengdengh….hehe..

######################just pause right there#####################...
Now if I dare to say iot n unfortunately
My parents hear it…aiseyman…dig ur own grave….
When I say this dramas on TV..
N also a real life teenagers lioke us dare to done that..
N their parents like-
oh my son/daughter just curse me.its o.k he/she just sad”
Then u tend 2 see this especially in tose stupid soap opera
I said stupid coz why your parents cry of …I mean why why da heck
is their parents cry-of-regreting..coz their child
just curse them n u r the one who apologized
4 ur som or daughter fault…is soo weird..

k till then bubbbyee...fellasss!!!!~


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